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We conduct the following avian flock management practices.
Overall Management
Our focus is for breeding high quality heritage stock, dual purpose birds
We breed and raise only 100% Buff Orpingtons and Gold Laced Wyanodettes
We are AWA certified which have the highest animal welfare standards in the world for farm animals
Free range, natural living conditions
Health Management
Animal Welfare Approved tested and certified
NPIP tested and certified
Our farm is disease-free from all diseases listed above
Tested and cleared for the following diseases:
Fowl Typhoid
Avian Mycoplasmas
Salmonella Enterica
Avian influenza
No antibotics or hormones given
No medications or chemicals given
On-farm Performance Testing
Roosters must exhibit male characteristics
Roosters must be breed standard size with active libido
Roosters must be protective and watchful of their flock
Hens must exhibit female characteristics
Hens must be breed standard size
Hens must be good egg layers
Hens must have good mothering skills
Cull substandard animals
Nutritional Values
Free range on high quality fields
No medicated feed provided
Clean fresh water available at all times
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